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Dimorphorchis lowii, (ONLY 2 Avail.) Leaf span approx. 18" longest leaf tip to longest leaf tip, actual plant shown - *See Item Description/Know What You're Buying
Dimorphorchis lowii
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Our Price: $398.00

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Potted in a Wooden Vanda Basket?;:

Dimorphorchis lowii, This interesting orchid has two distinctly different flowers on the same inflorescence. These different flowers are different color and shape.
*These two plants are approx. 18" tall (bottom of pot to top of longest leaf), longest leaf span is approx. 18" (from longest leaf tip to longest leaf tip) . Well established. These take full sun and which does make the leaves 'wash out' a bit with some yellowing coloring. Sorry for the high price but our grower charged a very high price for us to obtain them. Please be aware of all these factors so there are no surprises when you receive your plant and perhaps feel you paid too much for the size. Please understand what you're buying! These are very difficult to find and are not an inexpensive plant. Second picture is example of one of these plants, both equal in size.
  • Pot Size: 4"
    Blooming Size:
    Temp: Hot to Warm
    Light: Full Sun
    Watering: Regular/frequent, dry between

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Our Price: $4.00

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Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 What a great orchid, thank you April 19, 2019
Reviewer: vicki bartholemu from SEATTLE, WA United States  
what a beauty, so hard to find.  thank you!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Beautiful Seedling. April 21, 2013
Reviewer: Philip Shin from Rosemead, CA United States  
The seedling came in great shape.  It came with multiple growths and some nice, healthy roots.  Leaves look nice too.

Thank you.

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